@ Asbury

Community Life @ Asbury

We welcome all our first-time guests and regular visitors to Asbury UMC.  We are so glad you’re here.  Our prayer is that the Lord Almighty speaks to your heart as we seek to glorify His Son, Jesus Christ. If you have a particular need or you want more information about the church, please let us know by writing a note to the pastor and placing it in the offering plate.

We provide an opportunity for children to grow their faith during the worship service. Our “Young Disciples” can come forward for a brief message and then go with our children’s director to learn more about Jesus on a level they can understand. Parents can pick up their children in the room next to the sanctuary immediately following the service. 

Spring Cleaning for a Good Cause

A garage sale is coming to Asbury and we need your help.  Start gathering all those gently used items you no longer need (clothing, furniture, dishes sports equipment and toys) and set them aside to donate to a garage sale that will help fund our food pantry.  The date will be announced soon, but start gathering your items today.

Come Learn More About Recovery Ministry

The mission of Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (CJAMM) is to break generational cycles of prison, addiction and criminogenic behavior by nurturing healthy Christian relationships with prison inmates and their families, targeting specific reentry needs, providing care for the children of incarcerated parents, and advocacy. CJAMM’s Kristen Harlin will be here next week to give us ideas in how to strengthen our recovery ministry through resources available through this conference ministry.

Baptisms and Church Membership

Want to make a fresh start and begin a new life for the Lord? Are you feeling that God is calling you to a deeper relationship and you don’t know where to start?  If so, Pastor Travis would like to talk to you about baptism, discipleship and even joining the church.  All three are steps along the faith journey to a more fulfilled life in Christ.